Trip to Italy

10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Islands of Italy But Should

Posted on 05/08/2015

You are probably wondering what new there is to learn about the Islands of Italy. Well, I can authoritatively say that there is quite a lot to know before heading out to Italy. Below is a candid list that will get you on your way.

1.    Did you know that Italian Islands are divided into several categories including; Island in Mediterranean, Islands in Lakes, Islands in Rivers, and Islands in Po Delta?

2.    Examples of Mediterranean Islands are; Aeolian Islands Aegadian Islands and Venice, Sardinia, and Sicily.

3.    Examples of Islands in Lakes include; Isola Bisentina in Lake Bolsena, Isola Comacina in Lake Como, and Isola del Garda on Lake Garda

4.    Sicily maybe an Italian Island, but the Tuscans, Apulians, and Calabrians also call it home.

5.    Did you know that Italy as a country has existed for about 150 years and thus some of the islands still use their local language along Italian? For example Venice speaks Veneto (Venetian).

6.    Make sure you learn a little local dialect and a lot of Italian when visiting the islands. Speak English and people may see it as a slight. Make the effort to learn their dialect and you will be surprised how many doors will be opened for you.

7.    Forget what you see in the movies. You will meet mafia and you will not see them. They are not as scary as they are portrayed in the movies.

8.    There is more Greece architecture in the Islands - especially the Mediterranean ones - than there is of Italian.

9.    Again, forget the stereotype happy and carefree Italian. Most Islanders prefer formality...that is until you become friends.

10.  The Aeolian Islands feature pitch black beaches...a remnant reminder of the active volcanic activity of the yesteryears.

The Italian islands are more Italian than the mainland. They go to church on Sunday, make gourmet Italian food, and speak better Italian than the mainlanders. You will have a better feel of Italian culture in the islands. Have fun during your trip.

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